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Francesco Saraceno

Directeur adjoint - département des Etudes

01 44 18 54 93


Investissement public, politique budgétaire, économie européenne



Page personnelle



Twitter: @fsaraceno



Autres revues

"Non Dimentichiamo Gli Stati Uniti d'Europa." Il Mulino LXI(4), 675-84,2012

“International Trade and Domestic Distortions: Modelling the Transition Process”, with J-L Gaffard, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 22, N° 2, 275-301, 2012

“Inequality, the crisis and after”, with J-P Fitoussi, Rivista di Politica Economica, 100(I-III), Gennaio-Marzo, 2011

“The Crisis, Automatic Stabilisation and the Stability Pact,” , with J. Creel, Revista de Economía y Estadística XLVIII(1), 75-104, 2010  

“European fiscal rules after the crisis”, with J. Creel Journal of Innovation Economics, n° 6, 95-122, 2010  

“Politiques macroéconomiques et réformes structurelles : bilan et perspectives de la gouvernance économique au sein de l’Union Européenne”, with J-P Fitoussi and J-L Gaffard Revue d’Economie Politique, Vol. 120, n° 2 , 2010  

"Europe: How Deep Is a Crisis? Policy Responses and Structural Factors Behind Diverging Performances,", with J-P Fitoussi, Journal of Globalization and Development: (1)1, Art. 17, 2010 

"Has the Golden Rule of Public Finance Made a Difference in the UK? ", with J. Creel and P. Veroni, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, (56)5, November 2009, 580-607

"Fiscal Policy Is Back in France and the United Kingdom!", with J. Creel and P. Veroni , Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, (31)4, Summer 2009, 645-667.

"Organization, Learning and Cooperation", with Jason Barr, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, (70)1-2, May 2009, 39-53

"Fiscal Discipline as a Social Norm: The European Stability Pact" avec Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Journal of Public Economic Theory, (10)6, December 2008, 1143-68

"Croissance par les exportations, fragilité financière et gradualisme : Quels défis pour la Chine ?" avec Jean-Luc Gaffard, Revue Economique, 59(6), November 2008, 1059-73

"Cournot Competition and Endogenous Firm Size" avec Jason Barr, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 18(5), October 2008, 615-38.

"Tarifs, Trade and Unemployment in a Disequilibrium Model: Issues and Policies", avec Jean-Luc Gaffard, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18(2), February 2008, pp. 219-232

"Politique budgétaire discrétionnaire en France : les effets à court et à long terme", avec Jérôme Creel et Paola Monperrus-Veroni, Revue Economique, 58(5), September 2007, pp. 1035-1054

"Technical Progress, Accumulation and Financial Constraints. Is the Productivity Paradox Really a Paradox?", avec Mario Amendola et Jean-Luc Gaffard, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 16(2), June 2005, pp. 243-261.

"Demand Shocks and Intertemporal Coordination: A Two Country Model", ICFAI Journal of Monetary Economics, 3(2), May 2005, pp.51-75.

“Cournot Competition, Organization and Learning”, with Jason Barr, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29(1-2), January 2005, pp. 277-295.

“Technological Shocks and the Conduct of Monetary Policy”, with Mario Amendola and Jean-Luc Gaffard, Revue Economique, 55(6), November 2004, pp. 1241-64.

“Wage Flexibility and Unemployment: The Keynesian Perspective Revisited”, with Mario Amendola and Jean-Luc Gaffard, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 51(5), November 2004, pp. 654-74.

“A Simple Proposal for a Debt-Sensitive Stability Pact”, with Paola Monperrus-Veroni, Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung - Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 73(3), November 2004, pp. 471-80.

“A Computational Theory of the Firm”, with J. Barr, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 49(3) November 2002, pp 345-361.

“Il governo globale dell'economia tra mercati e democrazia” Parolechiave, 28, Dicembre 2002, pp. 77-97.


Rapports et ouvrages collectifs

“After the crisis. The way ahead“, LIGEP task force report,  J-P Fitoussi,  E. Phelps, R. Gordon, C. Pissarides, É. Wasmer, G. Di Giorgio, S.  Micossi, J. Carmassi, P. Parascandolo  F. Saraceno, Luiss University Press, 2010.

“Diseguaglianza E Squilibri Globali“,  in Capitalismo Prossimo Venturo - Etica, Regole, Prassi  (V. De Luca, J.-P. Fitoussi and R. McCormick, eds.), , Milano, Università Bocconi Editore, 2010, pp. 383-90.

“Peer pressure and fiscal rules”, with J-P Fitoussi,  in J-P Fitoussi  and J. Le Cacheux, eds., Report on the State of the European Union: Crisis in the EU Economic Governance, Palgrave, 2010, pp. 53-81

“Automatic Stabilisation, Discretionary Policy and the Stability Pact”, with J. Creel, in J. Creel and M. Sawyer, eds. Current Thinking on Fiscal Policy, McMillan, 2009, pp.112-144.

"One Size does not Fit All: Country Size and Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union", with J. Le Cacheux, in F. Farina et  R. Tamborini, eds., Macroeconomic Policy in the European Monetary Union: From the Old to the New Stability and Growth Pact, Routledge, 2007, pp. 147-160.

"Whither Stability Pact? An Assesment of Reform Proposals" with Paola Monperrus-Veroni, in W. Mitchell, J. Muysken and T. van Veen, eds., Growth and Cohesion in the EU: The Impact of Macroeconomic Policy, Edward Elgar, 2006, pp. 32-56.

"Firm Size Dynamics in a Cournot Competition Model" with Jason Barr, in P. Mathieu, B. Beaufils, O. Brandouy, eds, Artificial Economics. Agent-Based Methods in Finance, Game Theory and their Applications, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Vol. 564, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 65-76.

"Modeling the Firm as an Artificial Neural Network" with Jason Barr, in J.-P. Rennard, ed., Handbook of Research on Nature-Inspired Computing for Economy and Management, Idea Group Reference, pp.263-80.

"Discretionary Policy Interactions and the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level: A SVAR Analysis on French Data", with J. Creel and P. Monperrus-Veroni, Banca d’Italia, Public Expenditure

"Il G7 e il G8", with M. Dassù, in P. Annunziato, A. Calabrò, L. Caracciolo, eds. Lo sguardo dell’altro. Per una governance della globalizzazione, Il Mulino, 2001, pp. 403-29.



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